1. Skipping meals is an easy way to lose weight
In theory, skipping one meal while keeping everything else in your diet the same will help you lose weight. But, when you skip a meal, you’re eating pattern changes and you tend to overeat and overcompensate later (like your late-night snack) which will likely lead to weight gain. And if you start skipping meals, your body will start to think you’re in starvation mode and will actually slow down your metabolism to compensate. When it comes down to it, it’s really about energy balance (calories in vs. calories out) and meal timing for optimal health and fitness. Eating more frequently will actually keep your engine running at its optimal best.

   2. ‘Low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ means lower calories
A serving of low-fat or fat-free food may be lower in calories than a serving of the full-fat product, but most processed low-fat or fat-free foods have just as many calories as the full-fat versions of the same foods, and often can have even more. On top of that, many of these foods contain added flour, salt, starch, or sugar to improve flavor and texture after the fat is removed. This can offset energy balance as much as any type of food, so being aware of nutrition labels is critical when grocery shopping. 

   3. The ‘eight glasses of water per day’ myth
You should replace water lost through breathing, elimination and sweating each day, but that doesn’t necessarily total 64 ounces of water. If you’re exercising, this could in fact be much higher. Water intake needs are as individual as calorie and energy needs, so it’s best to use your own body’s signals, like thirst and urine color, to make sure you’re taking in enough fluid from foods and liquids. Remember: a lot of the foods we eat are full of the water we need.

   4. As long as you’re eating healthy foods, calories really don’t matter
The most important factor with regards to calories and weight management is energy balance (calories in vs. calories out). The overall principle doesn’t change all that much depending on the types of foods we eat. Whole-wheat pasta (or bread, pie crust, whatever) has just as many calories as “regular” pasta. Same goes for brown and white rice. Avocados, nuts and olive oil deliver heart-healthy fats — but they are very calorie-dense. Red wine and dark chocolate may be full of antioxidants, but if you indulge every day without accounting for their calories, you’re going to gain weight.

   5. Going on a diet is the best way to lose weight
In the short-term, you do lose weight on any plan that results in your eating fewer calories than you need. But temporary results don’t lead to long-term results. This is because they are not lifestyle changes; they are a goal on a calendar. Hence the famous ‘rebound’ weight gain after diets are over. The best way to lose weight is to view it as one of the outcomes of a new approach to eating, and understanding nutrition as a major factor of your total health, not focusing on weight loss as the only goal. No one’s been on a diet forever, but a lot of people eat right day after day with great results.

    6. Healthy food costs more (too much)
With some planning and wise choices, you can create tasty, healthy and affordable meals. To get the most value, choose foods that are big on nutrients and low on cost. Many healthy staple foods can be lower-cost items, including bulk flours and whole grains, in-season fresh produce, eggs, legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils), powdered milk, and sale-priced frozen or canned vegetables, fruits and fish. Scanning flyers for specials, stocking up on sale items and cooking meals from scratch can all save you money. 

Top 10 nutrition myths -part 2-

   1. Skipping meals is an easy way to lose weight
In theory, skipping one meal while keeping everything else in your diet the same will help you lose weight. But, when you skip a meal, you’re eating pattern changes and you tend to overeat and overcompensate later (like your late-night snack) which will likely lead to weight gain. And if you start skipping meals, your body will start to think you’re in starvation mode and will actually slow down your metabolism to compensate. When it comes down to it, it’s really about energy balance (calories in vs. calories out) and meal timing for optimal health and fitness. Eating more frequently will actually keep your engine running at its optimal best.

   2. ‘Low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ means lower calories
A serving of low-fat or fat-free food may be lower in calories than a serving of the full-fat product, but most processed low-fat or fat-free foods have just as many calories as the full-fat versions of the same foods, and often can have even more. On top of that, many of these foods contain added flour, salt, starch, or sugar to improve flavor and texture after the fat is removed. This can offset energy balance as much as any type of food, so being aware of nutrition labels is critical when grocery shopping. 

   3. The ‘eight glasses of water per day’ myth
You should replace water lost through breathing, elimination and sweating each day, but that doesn’t necessarily total 64 ounces of water. If you’re exercising, this could in fact be much higher. Water intake needs are as individual as calorie and energy needs, so it’s best to use your own body’s signals, like thirst and urine color, to make sure you’re taking in enough fluid from foods and liquids. Remember: a lot of the foods we eat are full of the water we need.

   4. As long as you’re eating healthy foods, calories really don’t matter
The most important factor with regards to calories and weight management is energy balance (calories in vs. calories out). The overall principle doesn’t change all that much depending on the types of foods we eat. Whole-wheat pasta (or bread, pie crust, whatever) has just as many calories as “regular” pasta. Same goes for brown and white rice. Avocados, nuts and olive oil deliver heart-healthy fats — but they are very calorie-dense. Red wine and dark chocolate may be full of antioxidants, but if you indulge every day without accounting for their calories, you’re going to gain weight.

   5. Going on a diet is the best way to lose weight
In the short-term, you do lose weight on any plan that results in your eating fewer calories than you need. But temporary results don’t lead to long-term results. This is because they are not lifestyle changes; they are a goal on a calendar. Hence the famous ‘rebound’ weight gain after diets are over. The best way to lose weight is to view it as one of the outcomes of a new approach to eating, and understanding nutrition as a major factor of your total health, not focusing on weight loss as the only goal. No one’s been on a diet forever, but a lot of people eat right day after day with great results.

    6. Healthy food costs more (too much)
With some planning and wise choices, you can create tasty, healthy and affordable meals. To get the most value, choose foods that are big on nutrients and low on cost. Many healthy staple foods can be lower-cost items, including bulk flours and whole grains, in-season fresh produce, eggs, legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils), powdered milk, and sale-priced frozen or canned vegetables, fruits and fish. Scanning flyers for specials, stocking up on sale items and cooking meals from scratch can all save you money.